Published On:Friday, 9 December 2011
Posted by Muhammad Atif Saeed

The Nullspace of a Matrix

The Nullspace of a Matrix

The solution sets of homogeneous linear systems provide an important source of vector spaces. Let A be an m by n matrix, and consider the homogeneous system

Since A is m by n, the set of all vectors x which satisfy this equation forms a subset of R n . (This subset is nonempty, since it clearly contains the zero vector: x = 0 always satisfies A x = 0.) This subset actually forms a subspace of R n , called the nullspace of the matrix A and denoted N(A). To prove that N(A) is a subspace of R n , closure under both addition and scalar multiplication must be established. If x1 and x2 are in N(A), then, by definition, A x1 = 0 and A x2 = 0. Adding these equations yields

which verifies closure under addition. Next, if x is in N(A), then A x = 0, so if k is any scalar,

verifying closure under scalar multiplication. Thus, the solution set of a homogeneous linear system forms a vector space. Note carefully that if the system is not homogeneous, then the set of solutions is not a vector space since the set will not contain the zero vector. Example 1: The plane P in Example 7, given by 2 x + y − 3 z = 0, was shown to be a subspace of R3. Another proof that this defines a subspace of R3 follows from the observation that 2 x + y − 3 z = 0 is equivalent to the homogeneous system

where A is the 1 x 3 matrix [2 1 −3]. P is the nullspace of A. Example 2: The set of solutions of the homogeneous system

forms a subspace of R n for some n. State the value of n and explicitly determine this subspace. Since the coefficient matrix is 2 by 4, x must be a 4-vector. Thus, n = 4: The nullspace of this matrix is a subspace of R4. To determine this subspace, the equation is solved by first row-reducing the given matrix:

Therefore, the system is equivalent to

that is,

If you let x3 and x4 be free variables, the second equation directly above implies

Substituting this result into the other equation determines x1:

Therefore, the set of solutions of the given homogeneous system can be written as

which is a subspace of R4. This is the nullspace of the matrix

Example 3: Find the nullspace of the matrix

By definition, the nullspace of A consists of all vectors x such that A x = 0. Perform the following elementary row operations on A,

to conclude that A x = 0 is equivalent to the simpler system

The second row implies that x2 = 0, and back-substituting this into the first row implies that x1 = 0 also. Since the only solution of A x = 0 is x = 0, the nullspace of A consists of the zero vector alone. This subspace, { 0}, is called the trivial subspace (of R2).
Example 4: Find the nullspace of the matrix

To solve B x = 0, begin by row-reducing B:

The system B x = 0 is therefore equivalent to the simpler system

Since the bottom row of this coefficient matrix contains only zeros, x2 can be taken as a free variable. The first row then gives

so any vector of the form

satisfies B x = 0. The collection of all such vectors is the nullspace of B, a subspace of R2:
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Posted by Muhammad Atif Saeed on 00:30. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Muhammad Atif Saeed on 00:30. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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