Published On:Friday, 13 January 2012
Posted by Muhammad Atif Saeed
Law Dictionary Word Under Q
Qualifying child when used in connection with Child Support this means a natural child or adopted child who is under 16, or under 19 if receiving full-time education.
Quango an organisation set up by the Government to do a particular activity. It is partly independent and does not form part of the Government.
Quarter days in England the days when payments which are made every quarter should be paid. The quarter days are the days that the seasons are said to start. The actual dates and their names are:
_ 25 March - Lady Day;
_ 24 June - Midsummer Day;
_ 29 September - Michaelmas Day; and
_ 25 December - Christmas Day.
Queen's Bench Division part of the High Court. Its main function is to deal with civil cases.
Queen's Counsel (QC) a barrister who has been chosen by the Lord Chancellor to serve as counsel to the Crown. A Queen's Counsel is more senior than other barristers.
Queen's evidence evidence for the prosecution given by someone who is also accused of the crime being tried.
Quiet enjoyment allowing a tenant to use land without interference. When a tenancy is created the landlord is expected to allow the tenant to use the land without any interference, unless the tenancy agreement allows it.
Quiet possession using property without interference. When property is sold the buyer should be able to use the property free from interference by the seller.
Quorum the lowest number of qualifying people needed for a meeting to be able to make a decision.