Published On:Thursday, 12 January 2012
Posted by Muhammad Atif Saeed

Law Dictionary Word Under H

Habeas corpus a writ which can be applied for to order a person's release if they have been imprisoned unlawfully.

Harassment of debtors the illegal act of attempting to collect a debt by threatening, or habitually acting in a way that humiliates or distresses, a debtor.

Harassment of occupiers the illegal act by a landlord of using, or threatening to use, violence, or interfering with the tenant's enjoyment of the property, in an attempt to repossess the property.

Hearsay evidence evidence given in court of something said to the witness by another person.

Hereditament any property which is capable of being inherited. 

High Court (of Justice) part of the Supreme Court. It is split into three divisions called:
_ Queen's Bench Division;
_ Chancery Division; and
_ Family Division.

Hire to pay to borrow something for a period. 

Hire purchase a form of credit which allows the purchaser to have possession of the goods shown in the hire purchase agreement. Ownership passes to the purchaser when the fee and all the instalments have been paid. 

HM Customs and Excise a government department responsible for administering (managing) value added tax, customs duties and excise duties. 

Holding company a company which controls another company, usually by owning more than half of its shares. 

Hostile witness a witness who:
_ refuses to testify in support of the people who called them; or
_ testifies in a way which differs from their previous statement.

House of Lords the highest court in the UK. 

Housing associations organisations run to provide housing for people. They are not intended to make a profit. 

Hypothecation a person giving a bank authority to sell goods which have been pledged to the bank as security for a loan.

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Posted by Muhammad Atif Saeed on 14:42. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Muhammad Atif Saeed on 14:42. Filed under , . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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