Published On:Thursday, 12 January 2012
Posted by Muhammad Atif Saeed
Law Dictionary Word Under N
Naked trust a trust which holds property for a person until they ask the trustee to return it.
Naturalisation giving a citizen of one country citizenship of another.
Negligence lack of proper care to do a duty properly.
Negligent lacking proper care to do a duty properly.
Negotiable instrument a document which:
_ is signed;
_ is an instruction to pay an amount of money;
_ can have its ownership changed by changing the name it is paid to; and
_ can have its ownership changed simply by being delivered to its next owner.
Next of kin a person's closest blood relatives.
Nondisclosure the failure by one side to a contract to disclose (reveal) a fact to the other side that would influence their decision to go ahead with the contract.
Non-exclusive licence an agreement giving someone the right to use something but which does not prevent other people being given similar agreements.
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Notary a person (usually a solicitor) who is authorised to certify documents, take affidavits and swear oaths.
Not guilty a court's verdict that the person charged with a crime did not commit it. When criminal court cases start the defendants are asked for their pleas. If they want to deny they committed the offence they plead not guilty. If a court's verdict is that the prosecution has not proved the defendant committed a crime, the defendant has been found not guilty.
Notice a warning of something which is about to happen.
Notice to quit a notice to end a tenancy on a stated date. It is usually sent by the landlord to the tenant although the tenant can also send one to the landlord.
Not negotiable cannot be transferred. If a bill of exchange is marked not negotiable it cannot be transferred to someone else.
Novation replacing an existing agreement with a new one.
Nuisance doing something that harms other people's rights.