Intuitive Definition
The concept of the limit of a function is essential to the study of calculus. It is used in defining some of the most important concepts in calculus—continuity, the derivative of a function, and the definite integral of a function.
limit of a function
x) describes the behavior of the function close to a particular
x value. It does not necessarily give the value of the function at
x. You write

, which means that as
x “approaches”
c, the function
x) “approaches” the real number
L (see Figure
1 ).
Figure 1 | The limit of f(x) as x approaches c.
In other words, as the independent variable x gets closer and closer to c, the function value f( x) gets closer to L. Note that this does not imply that f( c) = L; in fact, the function may not even exist at c (Figure 2 ) or may equal some value different than
L at
c (Figure
3 ).
Figure 2 | f ( c) does not exist, but does.
Figure 3 | f ( c) and are not equal.
If the function does not approach a real number L as x approaches c, the limit does not exist; therefore, you write
DNE (Does Not Exist). Many different situations could occur in determining that the limit of a function does not exist as x approaches some value.
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Posted by Muhammad Atif Saeed
on 01:41. Filed under
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By Muhammad Atif Saeed
on 01:41. Filed under
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